Monday 12 July 2010

3.5" Juliet Copper Welded Boiler for Live steam model

Another company selling model live steam locomotives making wildly over-exaggerated claims about the age and condition.

He seems to be collecting "Dead mens" models from estates and Widows, giving them a cursory glance and a spray over with WD40, then offering them as sound and working.

A loco advertised as "recently completed" was in fact 30 years old and had a list of faults longer than any train it could pull.

Using a home as a place to trade from doesn't exonerate a seller (who is clearly operating a business and advertising widely in the Model Engineer and other hobby periodicals) from the sale of goods act, when it comes to "fit for purpose" and "merchantable quality" They should also declare as a "Business seller" on Ebay.

Knowing about trains doesn't make an engineer.

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