Thursday 22 July 2010


Some people do ask why we do not accept Paypal payment for any item, even if its only a few pounds. Fairly simple really.....If cheques took 90 days to clear would you accept them as a form of payment ? NO, of course you wouldn't and buyers would not want to wait that long anyway. If you accept money via Paypal it is not safe to call it yours for 90 days as during that period, dishonest buyers can recall the payment with the most pathetic excuse.

Good example to you is an ebayer known as e.b.aysurplus who purchased an itemfrom us, receivedit a couple of days after paying and then within hours filled a complaint with Paypal.Paypal of course sided with the buyer (as they always do) and told him that he could have a refund IF he returned the item, although we had advised that we wold refund him when we got the item back.

Now I'm not going into the specifics of the fraud but he did not send back the item and provided Paypal with fake tracking info so they gave him a full refund despite me providing evidence that the claim was fraudulent. The muppets at paypal even asked for police to get involved but still gavethe buyer his refund in full and sent me an email to say the case was closed ! He still has the item and has the money.DO NOT TRUST PAYPAL - It's a big scam, not only the fees they chargebut they will simply take money from sellers and giveit to thieves.

There are hundreds of sellers who get conned via Paypal each week - do not let this happen to you - refuse to accept it - there are many alternatives.

If you really want to take Paypal thenfine but don't complain when you lose yourmoney to a thief.

Now that Ebay insist on Paypal being offered as a form of payment there will be more and more sellers losing money - to reduce the risk of getting scammed, simpl refund the Paypal payment as soon as it comes in then advise your buyer of the other available payment options. As a company we can not afford to lose money via Paypal and have more than adeqate card payment facilities so will always refund any money sent to our Paypal account.

Another way for sellers to lose moneyis the good old fashioned Ebay timewaster -the non paying bidder. Ebay evens lets thesefools leave negative feedback to harm a sellers reputation and they do nothing to help. Ebay, like Paypal is only concerned with taking a sellers money.They do at least have a facility to get your final value fees back but whyshould you pay listingfees again? and who compensates you for the time you have wasted chasing thenon paying morins in the first place ?

We sold somehting to m40evdand he contacted usonly a couple of hourslater to say he did not want it!! why the helldid he buy it if he could not afford it or had no inteneiton to pay ?? We now have to wait 7 full days to give the buyer a chance to pay before trying to get the fees back via Ebay andEbay will do nothing to preventthis fool from doing it again to another seller.People like this cost sellers money and ultimately cost genuine buyers money as the extra fees inevitably get passed on in the sale price next time around or added to something else.

You should also be aware of the village idiot - that's right they seem to have ebay accounts too !! good example is user by the name of 'myredskyline'who places bids andthen assoon as the auction ends decides heno longer needs the item he bid on. Obviously retracting the bid BEFORE the auction end wasto difficult for him so we haveour time and money wasted and this muppet simply goes about his business. We do havelegalaction proceedures for non payerswhich worksquite well but it's a waste of our time and the non paying idiotsgenerally end up with a CCJ - simlpy because they thinkit'sOK to bid and not pay.

Report Paypal fraud to the FSA, Financial ombudsman and Watchdog - if they get enough complaints they will do something about it. The ombudsman is there to look into individual complaints and they have had cause to look into Paypal complaints before. It can take months but it's worth it to stop Paypal scamming you out of money.

A few tips if you really do want to accept Paypal - send EVERYTHING recorded / special delivery if its a small item and put the tracking info in the paypal payments screen so the paypal staff and they buyer can see the tracking number. If it is a large item - use a good courier service with tracking facilities and again input the tracking number. Always withdraw funds from your Paypal account too as whilst it is in the paypal account, it is not your money - they still have control over it and can even cancel withdrawals until the funds have passed to your bank. Ideally you want to get the funds in the paypal accout, withdraw them and then get them safely in your bank account before sending the goods out.

Also insist on confirmed / verified addresses or you will not be covered by the seller protection (not that it's much good).

Do not let them get away with it - Ebay should be asafe placefor sellers to trade and Paypal make it anything but safe for sellers.

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