Monday 26 July 2010

Buying a Lord, Lady, Laird, Knight, Baron title

Your guide to becoming Titled

If you are looking to acquire a title, you need look no further than this guide. There are many people out there who will accept your money, the difficult thing is differentiating the legitimate titles (and sellers) from the fraudsters and con artists.

The types of titles I will review here areKnightsBaronsLord and Lady of the ManorLaird and LadyLord and Lady ScamsDeed Poll

General Advice

Make sure the seller is prepared to be identified and traced. Request a postal address and their telephone number. If you are unsure of anything, pick up the phone. If they are a genuine seller they will be happy to talk to you and answer your questions. If they are bogus they wont want to give out their details and will disappear as soon as they have your money and have posted you your worthless documents. It is always worth a phone call to put your mind at ease and ask about the seller and their product.

Is the seller a registered company? or a private individual. If they are a company then generally you could expect them to be selling within the law. They should be registered and they will be able to provide their company registration number and other details. Again this makes them traceable should you have a problem.

Individuals are probably more risky to deal with, as they do not have the same legal standing as a Company or Corporation and can easily move house with no forwarding address. You should always make this judgement yourself and choose the seller you feel is the most reputable.



This is a cut and dried case. You cannot purchase a Knight title. However hard you try, and whatever promises the seller makes, it is illegal. A Knight title can only be granted by the Crown, and it is always for services to the British Empire, not because you have paid someone.

What you will often find is people offering to sell you a Knight title, and what you will receive is a certificate, printed from their home, on their printer saying John Smith is now a Knight As you can imagine, you can do this cheaper yourself at home, and it will be equally invalid!

If you press most of these sellers they may admit that it is a novelty item. It is worth asking, and if they wont admit it is a novelty then you should ask them on what authority they are able to issue Knight titles.

Our advice? Dont touch a Knight title with a barge pole

English Baron

The situation here is exactly the same as with a Knight title

Scottish Baron

The Scottish Barony is a feudal title, it is not a rank of peerage and is therefore IS possible to purchase. These titles do not come cheaply, as there are only certain estates in Scotland that actually provide the owner with the status of Baron. They do sell every few years and usually fetch in excess of 100,000, often with a house as well as the land.

For the average person, a Scottish Barony is not a viable option.

Our Advice? If you win the lottery then buy one!

Lord or Lady of the Manor

Again these are perfectly valid titles. Many sellers incorrectly promise that you can call yourself Lord John Smith. In fact it is only recognised as John Smith, Lord of the Manor of

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