Monday 26 July 2010

xxsindyxx - Sound of Music tickets

Fellow Ebays are advised to avoid dealing with the member with the ID xxsindyxx.

On 2nd October 2006, this member had two sets of 2 x tickets for The Sound of Music listed. As the listing was due to end the same day, and there had been no bids (itself unusual given the current scramble for SOM tickets) I asked a couple of questions, both of which were answered to my satisfaction. I therefore made a bid on the tickets. At this point, I re-read the item listing more closely and noticed that it stated that the tickets had not yet been received from the promoter. I therefore sent a further message to the seller asking for her agreement that she would not invoice me until her tickets were in hand. This message was ignored.

Some three hours later, the listing ended with myself as the highest - and only - bidder. I then received a message via Ebay stating that she had received a telephone call from the promoter that day in which it was stated that it was not possible for her to re-sell the tickets, that they were non-transferrable and that anybody other than her trying to use them would be denied entry to the theatre. This message had also been sent to the legitimate winner of the other pair of tickets.

I found it extremely suspicious that this telephone call had been receivedjust at thepoint whenbids ended- it seemed rather a coincidence. I also find the notion of "non-transferrable theatre tickets" somewhat suspect. I contacted the winner ofthe other setoftickets and was told that he had a similar message, citing a slightly diferent reason for non-sale. I suspect that the bids had not gone as high as the seller wanted and that she was trying to wriggle out of a legitmate sale. I messaged her and got a reply which gave a story again slightly at variance with what I had already been told. She attributed all this to a "simple mistake". Having sent this, she then proceeded to leave negative feedback couched in very nasty tones. I therefore felt obliged to respond in kind, keeping my feedback strictly truthful. Unfortnately, the seller has now chosen to hide her feedback remarks.

So, fellow Ebayers, even if you are desperate for tickets for The Sound of Music, it would be wise to avoid any being sold by this Ebayer.

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