Thursday 22 July 2010

How to spot a fake anime DVD

Anyone who has bought or are thinking of buying dvds from ebay will face this problem. Particularly anime dvds, they sell like hot cakes, especially the popular series, can go for quite a bit, so that auction that seems cheap seems tempting, thats what they want you to think, now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying all are like that, there are probably loads of legit sellers, but facing problems due to the pirate sellers. I wouldn't mind myself selling some of the older stuff in my collection that I no longer watch or have watched that many times I can repeat what they say or say exactly what is happening just by listening to the sound, but seriously, why bother, I'd have to sell them dirt cheap, in which case, I might as well keep them.This is definately not complete, and can not be taken for 100%, at the end of the day, it is for you to decide whether it is real or not, with a little research, you can increase your chances of getting a genuine article.*UPDATE*Breaking news! GDH have been in contact with me, 'Perfect Collection' is illegal, there you have it, direct from GDH themselves. If your 'Perfect Collection' anime is made by Gonzo Digimation, email them at, include pictures of the box and discs, and as much detail of the seller as you can, and they will pursue the matter.*end of UPDATE*I will re-write this one day, so that it is a lot easier to read ;) Had to cut it short, as I had exceeded the 20,000 word limit :oI would like to thank Digital Anime for the information they have on their website regarding anime piracy, you can find it here*UPDATE*Here is a confirmed list of pirate anime companies, some of them sound legit too don't they?Animation InternationalAnimation Japan InternationalAnime CartoonAnime Cartoon InternationalAnime StudioAnother DVD CompanyDigital InternationalDVD AnifxIndian InternationalKMAC (Manga Anime Cartoon)Manga InternationalVideo AnimationActually, DVD Ani is a legit Korean Anime company, however, some of the stuff they do puts them in this list. Why? Some of their discs contain English audio/subtitles, however, they did not pay for those privileges, instead, they ripped the audio/subtitles from another licensed dvd and used it as their own.Companies I use to import are amazon in US and Japan, Otaku in the UK, CDJapan in Japan, there are others, but these are the main ones I use.*end of UPDATE**UPDATE*I noticed people selling Studio Ghibli Movie Archive, listed as 7 movies in 4 discs, this annoys the hell out of me, because I think Studio Ghibli are an excellent company, Totoro is one of my favourite animes, and to see it blatently pirated like this is just plain wrong! Prove it! Ok.See here here finally here - this one has a little note from the MD of Studio Ghibli Steven Alpert! genuine one has 11 movies. Notice how the 7 movie version is not available on reputable websites? Plenty on auction sites though! If you already have a copy, watch it, do you see Anime Cartoon International, Anime Cartoon or Manga International popping up? If so, I am sorry to say but you have a fake. Got a 6 disc version? Fake too. There are other versions available too. Basically, if it is region 0/all/free it is fake, it is not officially available in region free/0/all. Budget import ... pfft more like expensive fake!The only 2 genuine versions I can find are the Hong Kong and the Korean one, both are region coded, not region free, have 11 movies. Hong Kong one is licensed by IVL (Intercontinental Video Ltd) and the Korean one by BVHE (Buena Vista Home Entertainment).This is what the MD of Studio Ghibli Steven Alpert had to say:
We have NOT licensed to anyone called Anime Cartoon in Hong Kong, and these
sets must be pirated. We have a reputable licensee in Hong Kong who would
certainly not be involved in this.

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