Monday 12 July 2010


It comes out every few months by some newbie posting it, when in fact it is the same rubbish that comes out from the same junior minister of whatever department and has never been backed up by the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Sinan Al-Shabibi

If they do bring in some smaller denominations, do you really think we would not have heard about it? this is a country in the Middle of the Middle East, and as such they all take bribs and back handers, it is the norm for that part of the world, it goes from the lowest person with the smallest of any power, right up to the top people, and I mean all the way up, they all have there hands in the cokkie jar and would be more than willing to take x amount of a cash brib for any and all info, this is why I am sure there are no small denomination notes in Iraq or even out of country where they would be printed and stored waiting to be shipped, the new Iraq dinar filled 27-- 747 planes to ship it all to Iraq, and the total cost for the printing, shipping and distrabution of the new dinars cost approx £200,000,000.00 this figure is from a member of the Royal Mint in the UK, they did not print the new dinars the De La Rue UK company printed then and they still had some of the old printing plates from when they were printing Iraq's curency before Saddam took up war as a hobby so they used them after they were updated with the new denomination as the new dinars used the art work from old pre Saddam dinars, the only denomination that has all new art work is the 25,000 dinar note and it looks like they took bits and peices from a load of old notes the put them together for the new note

1 It would have to go through the Iraq Government

2 They would have to agree on the denomination value

3 They would have to agree on the notes design and colours

4 They would have to agree on when the new notes would be put into circulation

5 They would have to agree who was going to print them

6 They would have to agree on the price for the printing and shipping to Iraq of the new notes

7 there would be a mountain of paper work for all of the above going in and out of the government and to over seas companies

So let me see if I have got this right all of the above would have been discussed by the government over weeks and weeks, so thats the 340 members in there plus all the secretaries and all the paper work to do with the above and you think no one outside of the Iraqi government would have heard anything about it, I dont think so as the Iraqi government has a daily list of what they are going to be discussing each day and the meetings are televised throughout the building so everyone knows whats going on, I think its on Utube as well now

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