Thursday 5 August 2010

Selling - Listings presentation.

This is a simple guide about layout of listings.If you are ready to sell something on Ebay, there are a few things to consider before listing. First will it sell at a price you will be happy with. For this part, click on 'Advanced Search' at the top right of the screen, search your item and click on completed listings, this will show you if some have been sold previously and the price sold for. You may have a very rare item and may need to do off ebay research, don't forget Google, you're on the internet, the World and more is at your fingertips.So, now you need a photograph. For CDs, books, DVDs, etc, there are stock photos on Ebay, otherwise, use the best possible digital camera you can. Also when transferring the photo, make sure just the item is pictured, and it is the right way up. There's an edit function on the sell your item page on Ebay, for adjusting the size and direction of the picture.Remember to also weigh your item and check what the postage will be, including any packaging you may need. Postage weights and price can be found on the Royal Mail website. Add up the costs of postage and packaging and a minimal amount for packing. If the total for postage is higher than you value the item, consider offering collection by the buyer. Don't overcharge for postage, there is nothing that puts a potential buyer off more than being overcharged. Put in your listing the weight of the item and details of packaging used, so the buyer can see where THEIR money is being spent.When writing the description, remember you are not writing a text message! Use full sentences, as much detail as possible, but also be simple and concise. Also use a sensible text size, the sell your item page, lets you adjust size and font if required. Use the spell checker provided when listing. Lay the listing out, so it is easy to read and see what is being sold. Try and look at the best listings and see why they appeal to you.Also when putting in your information, don't intimidate potential customers by telling them what you will do to them if they are late in paying or don't pay. Most (if not all) who are reading your listing will be a good buyer, don't put them off with any aggression in the listing. There's a section in the sell your item form to put in your payment details, so any special requirements can go in there. Leave the listing description for exactly that.Treat your buyers with respect, be courteous at all times, answer all messages (even the daft ones, daft people spend money too!). On the very rare occasions when someone is rude, don't get caught up in rows, be pleasant, if you must there are channels to report them. We have found that 99.99% of Ebayers are decent, pleasant people to deal with, and hopefully, so are we.Have fun selling......

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