Sunday 30 August 2009

The Wearing of Masonic Emblems and Jewellery by non-Mas

During the time that I have been interested in Masonic Jewellery and
Emblems I have had many enquiries from Masons and non-Masons as the
correct wearing of jewellery and emblems. An example of the kind of
question I would be asked is:I have inherited a Masonic
ring from my late uncle, would it be correct for me to wear it? I am
not a member of The Craft myself.In answering
questions like this, I can only refer to my own instincts, common sense
and what I have learnt from the senior Brethren in my own Lodge. My
answer would be:I understand that you want to remember
your late uncle by wearing his Past Masters Masonic ring. Think, if you
will, what your Grandfather had to do to earn the right to wear that
ring, years of study in order to go through the various degrees,
finally attaining the Degree of a Master Mason, working in the Lodge as
Inner Guard, Deacon, Junior and Senior Warden and then his year of
office in the chair of King Solomon. It is no mean task. But there are
other reasons. This ring tells other Masons, that the wearer has worked
through and understands our way of life, our principles, beliefs and
customs. So by all means keep the ring, take it out of its box, admire
it, cherish it. But do not wear it unless you your self should one day
earn the right to wear it as your Uncle did.

Orignal From: The Wearing of Masonic Emblems and Jewellery by non-Mas

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